Sunday, November 15, 2009

Global Warming Debate part 3

Continued from part 2..

K: Globe is definitely warming, but that doesn't mean it's warming because of green house gases. It could, but then you have to do your experiments and find out how green house gases affect the temperature. You can't just suspect or logically assume so. Like you said it takes experimentation and comprehensive scientific work to get the truth. And the truth also always has a nature of change.

What's missing in your approach is a lack of skepticism. You are kinda naively trusting what you are hearing, like most people do. Have you read much about how politics works? How much politicians impact the news out there? The world is not as clean as it seems to be, not even close to it.

While it is very good and important as well to be concerned about issues, when you get attached to them, you start to assume you are right by default and filter out the other inputs. Instead of being scientific and skeptical, you are now a propagandist for your theory. In other words you are a little politician in yourself.

Anyways all of that apart, I do know that the globe is warming. I get concerned for the polar caps melting. However I am realizing more and more that things are not as drastically bad as they show them to be. If you go back in time and look at geological history, you find that earth heats up and cools down in a cyclical fashion. That's easy to see because nobody is denying that and there is no propaganda against it ... gladly :).

I think it's important to be able to critically think from both directions if you really want to get closer to the truth, because when you pay an ear, both sides at first seem completely logical. That's when you need to stay neutral and proceed with your scientific analysis. It is quite tricky how you can know the actual facts.

It reminds me of the game of Mafia. At some point you really think this guy is mafia and you want to take him out, then somewhere in the middle you change your mind, and finally vote for another guy, but then you realize you were right the first time or perhaps the other way round. Anyways ... the point I am trying to make is it's not as simple as ... 'all the scientists are saying this ... so it must be true'. It will prolly take you a long time to realize it, but .... you have our support. :).

K: By the way if you are interesting in looking at the other point of view, this video drives home the point very well. Check it out.

It's in eight parts. Watch it to the end. It also tells you about the people ... so you can check their credibility. It also gives you several data points that you can also verify.

The most important one for me is still that globe has warmed and that it had ice ages for like the entire history of the planet for millions of years. It has been much warmer than it is now and will probably get warmer, and probably also go into an ice age as well.

However you can never really get the full measure of the movie, unless you really get the power the politics has on what goes out to public. One striking evidence of it that is pointed in the movie is how IPCC distorted the facts and sensored the real scientific treatises. You might want to look into that if you want to be neutral and skeptical. I would like to know the facts myself.

Me: I will ignore the personal attacks though they are amusing: Yesterday I was a little kid who knew nothing about politics and today I have become a little politician and a propagandist of 'my own theory' :)

After a few days when you have calmed down, I suggest you to go through this thread once again from a neutral point of view and see if you can find any thing new!

Its good that you now at least acknowledge that rise in CO2 could result in rise in temperature. Thats a great progress!

But you are wrong in believing that just because the earth has warming and cooling periods before, there won't be any problem if it warms up now. There won't be any problem for the earth. With or without global warming, the earth will move on: old species which cannot adapt to the changes go extinct and species that are better adapted will thrive and continue to evolve. But you can be sure that since humans are there on every corner of the globe (except Antarctica), many of them will face dire consequences if the earth warms up even by a degree or two (not just because of the temperature increase itself but because of the change it creates in weather patterns, rivers, wind and ocean current patterns).

I will watch the video you sent when I get time, may be in the weekend. May I also suggest videos that present the arguments of the (overwhelming) majority of experts? Here are some I've seen (not counting AlGore's Inconvenient Truth):

Earth: The Climate wars: This actually is pretty neutral and fair. Looks at both sides

Earth: The Power of the Planet: I learned a lot from this.

This mainly shows the impact of humans on the environment. Not mainly about Global Warming.

Planet Earth:
This is an excellent documentary about planet earth, mountains, oceans, deserts, forests, glaciers and the species that live on it. One episode talks mostly about climate change.

This is classic. Must watch. Its about earth, solar system, astronomy, physics and cosmos. Narrated by the legend: Carl Sagan! In one of the episodes he talks about how rise in greenhouse gases results in temperature rise.

Me: I forgot about one documentary. The one about Global Dimming.

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